If you have, you can add floor plans to your floors and place your desks on it. This will make it easier for the users to locate their desks.
- Navigate to the buildings tab in the Evoko Workplace Admin in the left column.
- Select the building you would like to add the floor plan to and press the edit button. In this example we will be using Stockholm Headquarters.
- Navigate to the level/floor that you have added to your building. Select the "Edit" button on the level to add your floor-plan to the level/floor.
- Press the "Create Floorplan" to add your floorplan image to the level/floor.
- Press on the upload image icon to browse your local machine for the floor-plan image/file.
- Upload image.
- You have the option to replace the image if it is the wrong one, and also invert the colors if you would like to use the dark theme.
- Press save when complete.
- Repeat the same steps for any other floors.