Adding External Users to Evoko Home allows external users to Book Rooms within your organization without giving them direct access to your booking system.
External Users will be able to book rooms through the following means:
- Through the Evoko Booking Web Application (If Enabled)
- Directly on the Evoko Liso
- Through the Get a Room App (If Configured)
If your Evoko Home instance is configured with a Booking System (O365, Google WorkSpace) follow this guide to enable and add external users.
- We will need to log into Evoko Home with Global Admin email and password.
- Once you log in you will land on the Rooms --> Monitoring Page. Click on Global Settings.
- Scroll down in Global Settings to "External Users" in the right column. If you would like to allow External Users to have the ability to access your rooms you will want to click, "Enable."
- When completed - make sure you Click Save for the changes to be made.
- Now let's move to the Users section of Evoko Home and attempt to add an external user outside of this Demo O365 domain. Once you are on the Users page click on Create User in the top left hand corner of the screen.
- This will bring you the Create New User window. Enter the User Email, Name, Description, Organization, and select the User Type as User. Click Save when complete to add the new user.
- Since this instance is connected to an O365 Domain it is expected to get a prompt indicating that the user you are trying to add is not found internally. Select Okay if you would like to continue to add this user as an External User.
- You show now see this user in the Users list - and it will be identified as external user like the image does below. The user's login information for the Web Application and Pin for booking will be sent to the users email.