Instructions for Evoko Home/Liso v2.x
This is how to enable 802.1x authentication on Evoko Home v2.x. Note that we recommend that the Liso(s) are on the same version number as Evoko Home.
- Make sure both Evoko Home and the Evoko Lisos are running software/firmware version v2.4 or higher.
- The Lisos should be connected to Evoko Home on an unmanaged (non-802.1x) switch port.
- Open Evoko Home, go to the Global Settings and enable 802.1x. Click the save button to save the settings.
- Go to the Rooms tab and click on the room name of the Liso you would like to configure. Click the Device tab.
- Click Request CSR from Liso and fill in the details in the form.
Important! This creates a new private key on the Liso. Each time you click the "Request CSR" button, any certificates already generated for this Liso become invalid.
- Wait for the CSR to be generated, then download the CSR.
- Use the CSR to generate a certificate for this device using your CA.
Note! The certificates need to be PEM-formatted, base64-encoded x509 certificates.
- Download and save the file wpa_supplicant.conf. If needed, make any necessary changes to this file according to the requirements of your environment.
- Click Browse for each of the three files to upload them to Evoko Home.
- Click the "Send Certificate to Liso" link to upload the files to the Liso device.
- After the upload is done, reboot the Liso and move it to the managed network.
- Repeat steps 2-9 for each Liso.