Evoko makes design driven, innovative and delightfully simple office products with the goal of making meetings magnificent.
The Evoko Liso has very much been designed with this in mind; to take the hassle out of meeting room booking and provide a solution that is simple for the end-user while providing companies with valuable statistics to increase their efficiency and optimize their resources. We put a lot of effort into creating a product that looks good and works well, with hardware and software working beautifully together.
The Liso is not a digital signage player. Changing LED colors, adding logos or digital signage messages would add to the user interface and might become a distraction instead of helping to simplify room booking.
If you would like to expose your company logo, we kindly recommend to have a look at the Evoko Overview Screen, a free add-on to Evoko Home which lets your users see meeting details and get directions with just a quick glance. The overview screen is designed to be shown at an entrance or a reception in your office. Read more about the Overview Screen.