Sometimes when a Kleeo is claimed using the Evoko Workplace Application you may get this error on the device. This indicates that the Kleeo device cannot get on the network with the credentials it has been provided during the claiming process from the mobile phone. The error looks like this:
The first thing you want to verify is that the credentials of the Wi-FI you have used are indeed correct. This includes spacing, punctuation, and capital/lowercase letters. If you have used the incorrect credentials for the Wi-Fi you can firmware the reset the device by following this guide: How to Reset the Evoko Kleeo to Factory Settings.
Once the device is reset is you can then reclaim the device using the Evoko Workplace Application. Follow this guide on how to reclaim the Evoko Kleeo device: How to Claim the Evoko Kleeo Device
**It is not recommend to use the same network name for both 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz as this could cause confusion to the device for the devices as they can not distinguish the different between networks.
**The device may show a cloud icon sometimes. This indicates the device can get on the WiFi network, but can not reach the hosted cloud. Attempt to restart the device (pull power and plug back in) and wait approximately 10-15 minutes. If the device still does not connect - attempt the firmware reset and reclaim.