Note: The information below is for the Evoko Room Manager (ERM1001) only - not relevant for the Evoko Liso (ERM2001) or the Evoko Naso (ENX1001).
In March 2018, Microsoft announced that starting October 13, 2020, Exchange Online will no longer support basic authentication for a number of protocols, including EWS. EWS is used by some Evoko products to connect to Exchange booking system backends.
Since then, the retirement date for basic authentication over EWS has been moved several times. On September 24th, 2021, Microsoft announced that come September 1st, 2022, basic authentication will be permanently disabled for all tenants regardless of usage, with no option to opt-out.
What the September 2021 statement also says is that starting early 2022, Microsoft will temporarily disable basic authentication for random Microsoft 365 tenants for 24-48 hours.
Please see the September 2021 update from Microsoft here: Basic Authentication and Exchange Online – September 2021 Update - Microsoft Tech Community.
Unfortunately, the Evoko Room Manager is end of life. As you might know, the Evoko Room Manager was launched more than 12 years ago, and we have reached the point where its hardware simply can't keep up with modern technologies.
We recommend talking to your Evoko sales person about replacing your Room Managers with the more modern Evoko Liso system, which is an all-in-one room booking system with smartphone app support and on-premise data storage, or our latest cloud-based product, the Evoko Naso, which also supports desk booking, visitor management, catering and has built-in contact tracing functionality. You can ask to be contacted by a reseller in your region or book a demo.
As of October 2022 Microsoft has disabled the ability the use basic authentication rendering the ERM1001 no longer usable. You can read more regarding this here: